Rail Live 2023German Exhibitors SIUT GmbH


Booth number: F155B

About us

SIUT, a berlin-based startup, specialized in developing precast concrete components with luminous surfaces. 
Their innovative approach involves integrating LED lights into the flooring, transforming it into a guide or warning system. 
By directly illuminating the concrete surface, travelers can navigate more effectively within train stations.

The LED guidance system comprises intelligent electronic modules that translate data into light signals. 
These signals are designed to be intuitive and universally understood. 

Different light patterns indicate the arrival or departure of trains. 
Blinking lights guide passengers to the appropriate train position along the platform. 
Blinking red signals alert travelers to passing trains and identify the areas of the platform that must remain clear for safety reasons. 
The Illuminated Platform Edge also displays carriage occupancy, assisting passengers in boarding the train quickly and effortlessly.


Dunckerstr. 68
10437 Berlin

Phone:  +49 30 47059198

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