Expositores GMT Gummi-Metall-Technik GmbH

GMT Gummi-Metall-Technik GmbH

Número de stand: F152B

Acerca de nosotros

GMT is a worldwide leading specialist in the field of anti-vibration technology with a wide range of customer-specific innovative products and technological expertise.

Extensive application experience and specific knowledge in railroad & light rail vehicle technology enable GMT to develop and manufacture highly performing products and systems for all types of bogies and vehicles.

Modern FEA calculation programs are used to determine and optimize the geometry and profiles of components to ensure fatigue life whilst minimizing cost and weight of products such as primary springs and air spring systems.

Recent innovations include the upgraded hydraulic axle bearing and the mountable elastomer wheelset axle protector

Complex customer needs demand an intelligent approach when selecting and designing the components. Once installed, continued technical support is offered for the life of our products in order to guarantee optimal performance in the application.


GMT Gummi-Metall-Technik GmbH
Liechtersmatten 5
77815 Buehl

Teléfono:  +49 7223 8040

Persona de contacto:

Yannick Schuler
Correo electrónico: Yannick.Schuler@gmt-gmbh.de
Teléfono: +49 7223 804263

Productos y servicios

  • Primary springs

  • Secondary air spring systems

  • Spring supports

  • Traction rods and torque supports

  • Bushes and spherical bearings

  • Drive engineering applications

  • Buffers

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